Activate Passat B8 Hidden Features - Volkswagen Passat B8 VCDS - OBDEleven Tweaks

Volkswagen Passat B8 Hidden Features / VCDS and OBDEleven Mods

Hello. In this article, I prepared the hidden feature unlock codes for the Volkswagen Passat B8 (produced between 2014 and 2023) using devices such as OBDEleven and VCDS. Be careful—you may damage your vehicle if you code incorrectly. If you’re coding with OBDEleven, be sure to do a full backup. If you’re using VCDS, do not make any changes without an AutoScan. This hidden feature coding process also applies to other MQB-based cars.

Note for Beginners: If you’re new to coding and haven’t bought a device yet, it’s recommended to use OBDEleven. It’s user-friendly and makes it easy to revert any mistakes. Unlike VCDS, OBDEleven lets you back up both Long Coding and Adaptation.


1. Gauge Test – Needle Sweep

Description: This sweeps the gauge needles through their full range on the dashboard when you turn the ignition on.

Control Module 17 → Long coding → Byte 1 → Bit 0 (on)

2. Enabling taillights in DRL-only mode (DRL with taillights)

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (6)-Tagfahrlicht – Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht auswählen → Active

3. Disable seat belt warning

ATTENTION: Driving without a seat belt is illegal in many countries. We do not recommend deactivating the seat belt warning. In an accident, protection systems (airbags, pretensioners, etc.) only function correctly if seat belts are buckled.

Control Module 17 → Long coding → Byte 0 → Disable seat belt warning (Bit 2-4)

4. Adjust Hill Start Assist sensitivity

Description: Hill Start Assist (HSA) holds the vehicle on inclines for up to 1.5 seconds after you release the foot brake to prevent rollback. It works on slopes steeper than 5% with both manual and DSG transmissions.

Control Module 03 → Adaptation → Berganfahrassistent → Change the value as needed

5. Enable fan level display in AUTO mode

Description: The factory setting often hides the blower fan speed when AUTO is on. Enabling this shows the fan speed on the Climatronic display in AUTO mode.

Control Module 08 → Long coding → Byte 11 → Bit 6 (on)

6. Heated seats memory

Description: Lets you enable or disable memory for heated seat settings after turning off the ignition.

Control Module 08 → Adaptation →
Speicherung der Sitzheizungsstufe Fahrer – Aktiv
Speicherung der Sitzheizungsstufe Beifahrer – Aktiv

7. Fog lights as Coming/Leaving Home lights

Description: Choose which lights activate for Coming/Leaving Home functions.

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (04) Comfort-Illumination – Coming Home Leuchten → Fog Light

8. DRLs off with handbrake

Description: Turn DRLs on or off when the handbrake is engaged.

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (5)-Tagfahrlicht — Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten — Aktiv

9. Lock/Unlock acoustic confirmation via horn

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation:

  • (1) Rückmeldungssignale – Akustische Rückmeldung entriegeln auswählen → Aktiv
  • (2) Rückmeldungssignale – Akustische Rückmeldung verriegeln auswählen → Aktiv
  • (7) Rückmeldungssignale – Menuesteuerung akustische Rückmeldung → Aktiv
  • (8) Rückmeldungssignale – Akustische Rückmeldung global → Aktiv

10. Folding mirrors without long press

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → Funk Spiegelanklappen Modus → by convenience operation

11. Changing turn signal blink count (Comfort signal)

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (2) Turn signal control – Comfortblinken Blinkzyklen → e.g., 5

12. LEDs in license plate backlight (error-free)

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation:

  • (1)-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lasttyp 25 → set 43
  • (6)-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Dimmwert AB 25 → put 127

13. Increase headlight washer interval

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → 1 channel (Windshield wiper – Anzahl) → set 15

14. Increase headlight washer response time

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → 2 channel (Windshield wiper-SRA) → set 150

15. Extend rear window heating time

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → Channel 3 (Window heater) → 1200

16. Activation of auto-recirculation (“oven” mode)

Control Module 08 → Long coding → Byte 4 → bit 10

17. Lock with ignition ON

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → [LO]_Funk bei Klemme 15 ein → aktiv

18. Auto-close windows when it rains

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation:

  • (15) Access Control 2 – Regenschliessen_ein aus → aktiv
  • (16) Access Control 2 – Regenschliessen_art → Permanent
  • (28) Access Control 2 – Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen → active

19. TSC (Steering assistance)

Control Module 44 → Security Access (19249) → Long coding → Byte 0 → Bit 2-3 (select with learned value)

20. Active driving profile selection

Control Module 44 → Security Access (19249)

Long coding:
Byte 0 → Bit 7 (on) Driving Profile Selection active

Characteristic curve of steering assistance → Dynamic
Driving Profile switchover → Direct

21. Start screen of the radio

Control Module 5F → Long coding → 18 bytes → 03

03 – GTI (Car menu changes too)
07 – R
02 – GTD
01 – Hybrid

21.5 Changing the MMI and instrument cluster skin

Control Module 5F → Long coding → 17 bytes → 02
Control Module 17 → Adaptation → Displaydarstellung → Variante 2

22. ESC Sport activation

WARNING: You must have an ABS Control Module with 30-byte coding; otherwise, do not attempt.

Control Module 03 → Long coding → 29 bytes →

  • 05 – ESC ON, ASR off, ESC off
  • 06 or 08 – ESC ON, ESC Sport, ESC off
  • 09 – ESC ON, ASR off, ESC Sport

So that ESC does not turn back on above 100 km/h:
Adaptation → ESP activation depending on speed → Activated

23. Fogs with Flash-To-Pass

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation

NEW METHOD (preferred):
driveng light and parking lightZahl der aktivern Sheinwerfer Auf 2 limitieren → aktiv

Adaptation →
Leuchte12NL LB45 Lichtfunktion C 12 → Lichthupe generell
Leuchte12NL LB45 Dimmwert CD 12 → 0
Leuchte12NL LB45 Dimming Direction CD 12 → minimize

Leuchte13NL RB5 Lichtfunktion C 12 → Lichthupe generell
Leuchte13NL RB5 Dimmwert CD 12 → 0
Leuchte13NL RB5 Dimming Direction CD 12 → minimize

24. DRL turn off when handbrake

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (5)-Tagfahrlicht-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten → Aktiv

25. Lap timer

Control Module 17 → Long coding → Byte 01 → Bit 3 (on)

26. Disable DRL via menu

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → (2)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAD oder Bedienfolge möglich → Aktiv

27. Disable auto start-stop (temperature method)

Control Module 19 → Adaptation → (1)start/stop Au.Temperaturvorgabe-Minimaltemperatur → from -50 to 50

28. Disable headlight washer

Control Module 09 → Long coding → Adaptation → Byte 13 → Bit 3 (off)

29. Drying disks

Control Module 03 → Adaptation → Disk drying → select desired option

30. Set speed threshold for high-beam assistant

Control Module A5 → Adaptation → Aktivierungsgeschwindigkeit für Fernlichtassistent → default 57

31. Parking lights

Control Module 09 → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → Driving Parking Light — Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert → choose mode (e.g., USA/Canada for both sides lit)

32. Virtual Cockpit (AID) End Value (260→320 km/h)

Control Module 17 → Adaptation → Tube illustration or Tube_Variant →

  • Version_0: Default
  • Version_1: No 30/50 mark
  • Version_2: Alltrack
  • Version_3: GTI (up to 280 km/h)
  • Version_4: R (up to 320 km/h)

33. Virtual Cockpit (AID) Style

Control Module 17 → Adaptation → Display Depiction or Displaydarstellung →

  • Version_0: Default
  • Version_1: Dotted

34. Automatic Coming-Home

Control Module 09 (Central Elec.) → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation → Comfort illumination – coming home verbaustatus → Automatic

35. Flashing fog lights when signaling (may be illegal)

Control Module 09 (Central electronic) → Security Access (31347) → Adaptation:

  • (16) Light12NL LB45 light function G12 → “Blinken links hellphase”
  • (18) Light12NL LB45 dimmwert GH12 → 100
  • (16) Light13NL RB5 light function G13 → “Blinken rechts hellphase”
  • (18) Light13NL RB5 dimmwert GH13 → 100
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