E-Sys - Flashing ECU

Upgrading ECU’s on BMW F11 520d

Disclaimer: All content in this document is to be seen as guidelines. No one but yourself can take responsibility if you break something as a consequence of following this guide. The author can in NO WAY be held liable or responsible if you mess up something / anything.

Remember always to create a backup before starting an endeavour like this!


ENET cable, E-Sys 3.26.0, PsdZData files (54.0 is used in this guide). It’s important that the PsdZData files are the FULL version as the Lite version does not include all necessities for Flashing. And last prerequisite: a BMW F10 or F11. I’m doing this on my F11 520d. This guide should work for all Fxx chassis. E-Sys 3.26.0 is used for screen dumps. Other versions may differ slightly.

ECU’s to be upgraded:

  • HU_CIC
  • ZGW

The steps for upgrading other ECU’s should be the same as doing these four. Just remember to identify the dependencies and select appropriately in step 15 in the below procedure.

Basic Steps

  1. Connect external charger (at least 50AMPs, preferably 70AMPs) to the car battery. Connect laptop to power supply.
  2. Turn lamp switch to parking light – this will keep the ignition on beyond 20 minutes.
  3. Connect via “Connection via Gateway URL”.
  4. Select Comfort Mode: TAL Calculating.
  5. Read and save FA.
  6. Activate FA.
  7. Read and save SVT Actual as “SVT_ist”.
  8. Create an SVT Target:
    1. Select Complete Flash.
    2. Select I-Step (shipm.) to match vehicle's shipment I-Step level.
    3. Do a KIS/SVT Target Calculation and save as “SVT_soll”.
    4. Do a TAL Calculation and save as “SVT_tal”.
  9. Go to Expert Mode -> TAL-Processing.
  10. Load TAL (SVT_tal) created in step 8.e.
  11. Load SVT Target (SVT_soll) created in step 8.d.
  12. Click the “Read FA” button.
  13. Check the radio button for "read VIN out of FA" and click “Read VIN”.
  14. On ECU Tab, uncheck all boxes, then check the boxes for blFlash, swDeploy, cdDeploy, ibaDeploy for the necessary modules.
  15. Press "Check software availability".
  16. Press Start to proceed with TAL processing.
  17. Cross your fingers and watch it work.


If coding ACSM, the airbag needs to be locked using the E-Sys Transmitter application.

Appendix A – List of ECU’s

Thanks to shawnsheridan on bimmerfest.com for compiling this list.

Appendix B

On new cars (7/2014 F30), the ignition will not stay on even if you turn the light switch. After 15 minutes, ignition will turn off. Remember to cycle ignition before SVT soll calculation and before starting TAL processing.

Appendix C

ibaDeploy is needed only if you are flashing a head unit that has IBA (electronic user manual). It doesn’t do any damage if selected unnecessarily.

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3/9/2025 12:27 AM
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