NBT EVO Software Update for Full Screen CarPlay (DIY Guide)

Hello everyone. Today I have prepared a very valuable DIY guide for you again. In this guide you will find: How to perform i-step updates for enabling fullscreen CarPlay.

Before You Start

This is a flash operation and at the slightest mistake your NBTEvo can be bricked. That's exactly why you take care to do all the steps carefully and without skipping. All risk is yours. Be patient and never skip a step. Navigation and Apple CarPlay FSC will be canceled after flashing. For this, you can generate the FSC code if you can do it yourself, you can find an FSC dealer on the Internet and buy it, or you can buy it from me for a reasonable price. In the future I will write a blog on how to create your own FSC and import it into your unit. Stay tuned for it :)

If you haven't started yet, you can give up. This is just a guide and you are not a professional in this business. I can do this for you remotely at an affordable price. If you still want to continue, remember that all risk is yours. God bless your BMW :)

What actions will we take?

  • Update i-STEP from 17-07-507 to 18-07-549


  • Enet Cable
  • Esys 3.27.1 or higher
  • Psdzdata 4.13.44 or higher
  • Esys Launcher Pro 3.30 or higher

Fashing - TALExecution Process

1- Open Connections > Connection via VIN/SERIES, i-Step (Shipment)

2- Comfort Mode >> TAL-Calculating

3- Read/Activate FA and Save

4- Read (ECU) and Save SVT Actual as "SVT_IST"

5- Create a SVT Target, under KIS/SVT Target Calculation Strategy > Select Complete Flash

6- I-Step (shipm.) must match the original I-Level as read and shown in VCM I-Step (Shipment)

7- To verify I-Step (Shipment) go to Expert Mode > VCM

8- Select the "Master" tab

9- Under I-Steps > Select “Read

10- Integration Steps (ECU) populates, make note of the I- Step (shipment): F020-17-507

11- Perform KIS/SVT Target calculation and Save as "SVT_SOL"

12- Perform TAL calculation and Save as "SVT_TAL"

13- Under Expert Mode >> Select TAL-Processing

14- Load TAL (SVT_TAL)

15- Load SVT Target (SVT_SOL)

16- Select Read FA (VCM)

17- Check radio button for "Read VIN out of FA"

18- On ECU Tab, uncheck the top box in column All (All checked boxes should toggle to unchecked)

19- Under ID_Base row for NBTEvo, check boxes in bIFlash, swDeploy, cdDeploy, and ibaDeploy columns. Please
Note, IbaDeploy only applies to NBTEvo.

20- Press Check software availability to verify the appropriate software is available for your selections. If available,
you'll be promoted with a message saying All software units (SWE) are available (G062)

21- Press Start and it will proceed with processing TAL to flash NBTevo with new firmware.

And the process has begun. Your screen will turn blue. This is the flash screen. Your screen will remain blue for 20-45 minutes. You can follow the process on the screen or via esys. After the flash process is finished, pay attention to the following in ESYS. If the TAL process ends in red, it means there is an error. Try again. If it ends in yellow, there are warnings. These warnings usually appear on NBT units with 2GB Ram. I think the system warns us because the hardware is insufficient. If the color is green, congratulations, you have done this job without any problems.

22- Once finished, you’ll want to disconnect from e-Sys and run ISTA/D to clear all fault codes.

Now you will need FSC Codes for Navigation and Apple CarPlay. If you can't do it yourself, you can find it by searching the internet. Or I can help you by contacting me for a small fee :)


  • wibbles
  • shawnsheridan
  • Almaretto
  • aboulfad
  • cryptz
  • BMWmatt123

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